Wednesday 6 November 2013


In the world of shrinking boundaries international business is the call of the day. And whenever there is a business between international parties across geographical boundaries one of the most important constituents of that business is transportation of goods Ocean freight rates. Without the transportation of goods these business transactions are in most cases than not deemed incomplete. Speaking about transportation of goods one of the most important way to do the same is ocean freight. From time immemorial Ocean freight has been used to transport goods from one country to the other.In the earlier times ocean freight was used to transport spices, animals, textile goods, people and almost anything under the sun.

These are nothing but surveying goods and the calculating an estimated cost in transferring those goods via ocean freight to another country. There are a lot of organizations who offer services in Freight bill audit and freight audit and in more cases than not the ocean freight companies offer the services of Freight bill audit and freight audit as a value added service. After that is done customers generally vet these rates from other companies offering Freight bill audit and freight audit Freight audit. The rates that come up in Freight bill audit and freight audit generally depend on various reasons like what are the goods that are to be transported, what kind of ocean freight are they being transported by, what is the time limit for the goods to be received by the customer, various taxes and custom duties and most important of all the fact whether the customer is opting for full container load or less than full container load. This fact more than others affect the cost figures that come up in Freight bill audit and freight audit, Ocean freight rates At that time ocean freight had to be used out of compulsion s there was no alternative way for various companies to transport their good to their counterparts in other companies in a different country. But in the present world although there is the option of air lifting goods from one country to the other country across the seven seas but still companies prefer the ocean freight over air freight generally for the reason that ocean freight rates are significantly on the lower side than air freight rates Freight bill audit. Ocean freight rates although have increased due to the increase in the prices of fuel, but because ocean freight is able to carry a huge amount of load in containers on the entire ship as compared to the small consignment which is possible to be transported by air freight, ocean freight rates have stayed on the lower side as compare to air freight. Agreed that ocean freight generally involve longer lead times and waiting periods but even than companies prefer ocean freight over air freight simply because of the cost saving implications. Freight bill audit and freight audit have become increasingly well known words in the business circles Freight audit. As ocean freight has increase so has the processes of Freight bill audit and freight audit.

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