Tuesday 5 November 2013


Mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness. Mysticism may be dualistic, maintaining a distinction between the self and the divine, or may be no dualistic. Some mystic traditions can exclude the validity of other traditions. However, mystic traditions tend to be more accepting of other mystic traditions than the non-mystical versions of their traditions. This is based on the premise that the experienced divinity is able to bring other mystics to their own tradition if necessary. Some, but not all, mystics are even open to the idea that their tradition may not be the most practical version of mystic practice.

Esoterism is the religion of Islam that emphasizes the study of the inner aspect of which is the essence of religion. This includes the inner aspect of the religious purpose, namely to achieve a prosperous life, happy, and prosperous with clean streets and draw closer to God. Islamic teachings do not mind the esoteric aspects of symbols or language embraced by other religions, and also not debating the differences in the ways to achieve goals or Shari’a (nature). However, Islam does not mean esoteric or not underestimate the importance on the Shari’a.

Spirituality is the desire and drive behind what a person believes. It can either be accompanied by a religion/dogma or stand alone. If a person believes in something greater whether it is a deity (god), enlightenment or something unnameable, and acts upon that belief in some way (prayer, meditation, good will towards others, acts of kindness, living a “good life” or bad, pursuit of higher knowledge etc.) then that person could be seen as spiritual. Many people label themselves spiritual when they have the belief in something greater but cannot bring themselves to trust in a set religion or dogma.

Tauhid Rububiyah means belief that God is the servant of the only God who created all this with his own creation and the recognition that God is the only one who set the Essence of all creation, His own universe, the animate all life and the turning off all deaths.
Included is the faith in Tauhid rububiyah and Qadla ‘and Qadarnya. Tawhid is the foundation then rububiyah beginning of monotheism-tawhid others.

Tauhid Uluhiyah is the recognition and belief that God is the only one Essence is right to be worshiped. Recognition is then realized in the form of worship, prayer and hope of every prayers. Some scholars define as Tawhid Uluhiyah peak of love and obedience to God. With this Uluhiyah monotheism a slave could be called a Muslim, because it has been carrying out the commands of religion, that is worship. It can be argued that this form of birth of monotheism Uluhiyah is running the pillars of Islam. A servant could have been achieved rububiyah Tauhid, but has not reached Uluhiyah Tauhid, as someone who has believed in the existence of God but has not been willing to uphold the pillars of Islam.

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