Monday 16 December 2013


Cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet the needs and aspirations of economic , social and culture together through companies they controlled democratically .
Cooperatives are based on the values ​​push yourself , self responsibility , democracy , equality , equity and solidarity . In economics there is a cooperativeprinciples . Below I will give the cooperative principles Based on the sources that I get .

Principle according Munkner

There are 12 principles and ideas umu 7 variables as follows :
7 variable general idea :
  • Self-help based on solidarity
  • Democracy
  • Capital strength is not preferred
  • Economy
  • Freedom
  • Justice
  • Advancing social life through education
12 principles of cooperatives :
  • Membership is voluntary
  • Membership is open
  • Developing member
  • Identity as the owner and customers
  • Management and democratic supervision is conducted
  • Cooperatives as a collection of people
  • Capital relating to the social aspects are not shared
  • Economic efficiency of cooperative enterprises
  • Collect voluntarily
  • Freedom in decision making and goal setting
  • Fair and equitable distribution of economic outcomes will
  • Education members

Principle according to Rochdale

Rochdale cooperative principles according to the form and nature of the original :
  • Democratic oversight
  • Membership is open
  • Limited interest on capital
  • SHU division
  • Entirely with cash sales
  • The goods sold must be genuine and not faked
  • Provide education to the members of the cooperative principles
  • Neutral to politics and religion
Principle - the Rochdale cooperative principles are the foundation further cooperative work :
  • Purchase of goods for cash
  • Selling price equal to the market price of the local
  • Good quality stuff , scales and correct size
  • Payment of interest on capital is limited
  • Profits divided by the number of purchases bedasarkan
  • Part of the profits are used to fund reserve fund education and social
  • Membership is open to the public , neutral on religion and politics

Principle according Raiffesien

Principle of Raiffesienis :
  • Non
  • Limited working area
  • SHU for backup
  • Responsibility is not limited to members
  • Administrators to work on a voluntary basis
  • Effort only to members
  • Membership is based on character , not money
While the foundation and ways of working to be taken by it , namely :
  • Farmers accustomed to saving
  • Lack of oversight of the use of credit
  • Membership restricted to between members can know each other and can work together 
  • Governance, by its members and does not get paid
  • Net profits belong together

Principle according to Schulze

He told the basics is given credit cooperatives in particular for small industries . To establish credit cooperatives is to :
  • Buy shares to become a member
  • Raise capital from donors who want to give their money as capital
  • Limit for short-term loans
  • Establish work areas in urban
  • Hire the managers
  • Divide the profits to members

While the core of the principles of thought are :
  • Non
  • Work area is limited sodium absorption ratio
  • SHU for backup and for distribution to members
  • Limited responsibility organization
  • Administrators work rewarded
  • Not limited effort not only to members

According to the principle of ICA

ICA is an organization of the world's tallest cooperative movement which was founded in 1895 .siding ICA in 1966 formulated the principles of cooperation , as follows :
  • Cooperative membership is open without any restriction made-up
  • Democratic leadership on the basis of one person one vote
  • Capital received limited interest , and even then if there

SHU divided into three
  • Partly to spare
  • Partly to the community
  • Partly to be distributed back to the members in accordance with their respective services
All cooperatives must implement continuous education
Cooperative movement should carry out close cooperation , both at the regional , national , and international

Principle according to Coady M.M

He developed a form of cooperative education by holding to older adults . Formal educational institutions that help develop the cooperative was Coady International Institute in Canada .
Cooperative principles Indonesia :

According to Law No. 12 of 1967
There are 4 laws regarding cooperatives namely :
  • Act 79 of 1958 on the cooperative societies
  • Act 14 of 1965
  • Law No. 12 Year 1967 on the main points of cooperatives
  • Law No.25 of 1992 on cooperatives

According to Law 25 of 1992
The cooperative principles are as follows :
  • Membership is voluntary and open
  • Management conducted democratically
  • SHU division was fairly comparable to the size of the business services of each member
  • Provision of fringe benefits to the limited capital autonomy
  • Cooperative education
  • Cooperation among cooperatives
There are 5 principles that guide cooperative cooperative work are :
  • Membership is voluntary and open
  • Management conducted democratically
  • Distribution of net income was fairly comparable to the size of the business 
  • Services of each member
  • Giving back to the limited capital autonomy

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