Monday 16 December 2013

COOPERATIVE (Principle, Types, Superiority, Entrepreneurship, Admiistrator of cooperative)

1. Cooperative

Cooperative is a business organization owned and operated by people - a mutual interest . Bases cooperative activities based on the principles of economic movement is based on the principle of kinship .

2. Principle cooperative

Cooperative principle is a system of abstract ideas that are clues to build effective cooperative and durable cooperative principles developed for the International Cooperative Alliance ( Federation of international non-governmental cooperative ) is
  • Membership is open and voluntary
  • Management of a democratic ,
  • Participation in member economies ,
  • Freedom and autonomy ,
  • Development of education , training , and information

In Indonesia alone has made ​​the Law no . 25 of 1992 on Cooperatives. Cooperative principles according to Law no . 25, 1992 are :
  • Membership is voluntary and open
  • Management is done through democracy
  • Distribution of SHU conducted fairly in accordance with their respective business service members
  • provision of fringe benefits that are limited to capital
  • Independence
  • Cooperative education
  • Cooperation among cooperatives

3. Form and Cooperative Type

3.1. Type Cooperative by function
  • Cooperative purchasing / procurement / consumption is a cooperative which has the functions of purchase or procurement of goods and services to meet the needs of the final consumer . Here the member acting as the owner and purchaser or consumer to cooperatives.
  • Cooperative sales / marketing is a cooperative that organizes the distribution function of the goods or services produced by its members to get in the hands of consumers . Here the member acting as the owner and supplier of the goods or services to cooperatives.
  • Cooperative production is a cooperative that produces goods and services , where members work as an employee or employees of the cooperative . Here members take ownership and worker cooperatives.
  • Cooperative service is a cooperative which organizes services needed by members , for example : savings and loans , insurance , transportation , and so on . Here members act as owners and users of services cooperative.
If cooperatives organized a function called single cooperative effort ( single -purpose cooperative ) , while the cooperative that organizes more than one function called business cooperatives ( multi purpose cooperative ) .

3.2. Type cooperatives based on the level and the area of work
  • Primary Cooperative - Primary cooperative is a cooperative that has a membership of at least 20 individuals
  • Cooperative Secondary - Is a cooperative made ​​up of a combination of cooperative bodies and has a wide working area coverage compared to the primary cooperatives . 
Secondary cooperatives can be divided into :
  • Cooperative center - is a cooperative made ​​up of at least 5 primary cooperatives
  • Joint cooperative - a cooperative whose members are at least 3 cooperative center
  • Parent cooperatives - are members of cooperatives minimum is 3 combined cooperative

3.3. Type of Cooperative according to membership status
  • Cooperative producer cooperatives whose members are producers of goods / services and have a household business .
  • Consumer Cooperative is a cooperative whose members are the final consumer or user of goods / services offered by suppliers in the market .
Position of members in the cooperative may be in one state or two. Thus according to the status of members of cooperatives grouping closely related to cooperative grouping by function.

4. Superiority cooperative

The possibility of co-operatives to obtain comparative advantages of other companies large enough considering the cooperative has the potential advantages such as economies of scale , real activity , precuniary factors , and others.

5. Entrepreneurship cooperative

Cooperative entrepreneurship is a positive attitude in trying to be cooperative , to take innovative initiatives and the courage to take risks and hold fast to the principles of cooperative identity , in the realization of real fulfillment and collective welfare . From these definitions , it can be argued that entrepreneurship cooperative is a positive mental attitude in trying to be cooperative

Wirakop main task is to take innovative initiatives , it means trying to find , find , and take advantage of opportunities that exist for the common interest . Entrepreneurship can be done by the cooperative members , managers bureaucrats who play a role in the development of cooperatives and catalysts , that is, those who care about the development of cooperative

6. Administrator

Cooperative board elected from among and by the members in a meeting of members . There are times when the member is not meeting to elect all members of the Board from among its own members . It thus happens for example if the candidates come from members of his own circles do not have the necessary ability to lead the cooperative is concerned , while it turns out that that can meet the requirements are those who are not members or not members of the cooperative ( probably also served by cooperative but has not officially asked to be a member )

7. Cooperative in Indonesia

Cooperatives in Indonesia, according to the 1992 Act , is defined as a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of economic cooperation as well as people's movement that is based on a family basis . In Indonesia , the cooperative principles specified in this Law. 12 of 1967 and Law no. 25 of 1992 .

Cooperative principles in Indonesia is approximately equal to the internationally recognized principles with slight variations , namely the description of the SHU ( Business Profits )

7.1. History cooperatives in Indonesia

A brief history of the cooperative movement began in the 20th century , which generally is the result of that effort was not spontaneous and was not done by people who are very wealthy Cooperative grow from among the people , while the suffering in the economic and social field generated by the capitalist system mounting . Some people whose livelihoods are simple with limited economic capacity , driven by the suffering and economic burden of the same , spontaneously joined hands to help himself and his fellow man .

In 1896 a Civil Service Patih R.Aria Wiria Atmaja in Purwokerto set up a bank for civil servants ( gentry ) . He was driven by his desire to help those employees who increasingly suffer from trapped by moneylenders who provide loans at high interest rates mean the regent to establish credit cooperative models such as in Germany . Ideals are then forwarded by the spirit of De Wolffvan Westerrode , a Dutch resident assistant while on leave De Wolffvan Westerrode managed to visit Germany and advocated Aid Savings Bank will convert the existing Aid to Banks , Savings and Agriculture . In addition to civil servants farmers also need to be helped because they suffer even more because of the pressure of the pengijon . He also advocated changing Banktersebut be cooperative . In addition, he also founded the village granaries are encouraging farmers to save on the loan musimpanen and provide rice aid to famine He was trying to make it into barns Credit Cooperative Rice But the Dutch government at that time another opinionated . Bank Aid , Savings and Agriculture and Cooperative Village Office is not used but the Dutch government established a new village barns , village banks , pawnshops and Cash Centrale which later became the Bank Rakyat Indonesia ( BRI ) . All of that is a business entity 's authority and led by the people government

In the days of the Dutch -forming cooperatives can not be implemented because :
  • There has been no government agencies or non- governmental agencies that provide information and education about cooperatives .
  • There is no law governing cooperatives life .
  • Colonial government itself was hesitant because of political considerations advocated cooperative , cooperative worry it will be used by the political objective harm to the colonial government .

Anticipate the development of cooperatives already socialized , Dutch government issued regulations regarding cooperatives . The first , issued Regulation No. Cooperative Society . 43 , 1915 , and in 1927 issued Regulation No. anyway . 91 , 1927 , which governs the Cooperative Society - Society for Bumiputra groups . In 1933 , the Dutch East Indies government stipulate Society General Cooperative Society - No . 21 , 1933 . Regulations 1933 , it is only applied to groups that are subject to the legal order of the West , whereas Regulation 1927 , applicable to class Bumiputra . Discrimination is enforced at the level of cooperative life

In 1908 , Budi Utomo is founded by Dr . Sutomo provide a role for the cooperative movement to improve the lives of the people . In 1915 the rules made ​​Verordening op de Cooperatieve Vereeniging , and in 1927 Regeling Inlandschhe Cooperatieve .

In 1927 established Islamic Trade Union , which aims to fight the economic position pengusah - indigenous entrepreneurs . Then in 1929 , the Indonesian National Party stood fighting for the dissemination of the cooperative spirit .

However , in 1933 a law came out like Law no . 431 so lethal cooperative efforts for the second time . In 1942 the Japanese occupation of Indonesia . Japan and establish cooperative kumiyai . Originally cooperative is running smoothly but its function has changed dramatically and become a tool to benefit Japan , and misery to the people of Indonesia.

After Indonesian independence , on July 12, 1947 , the cooperative movement in Indonesian Cooperative Congress held the first in Tasikmalaya . Today is then set as the Indonesian Cooperatives Day at a Time formed the Central Organization of Indonesian People's Cooperative ( SOKRI ) located in Tasikmalaya ( Bandung as the capital of the province is being occupied by the Dutch )

7.2. Fungction and cooperative role of Indonesian

According to Law no . 1992 25 Section 4 explained that the cooperative has the function and role of , among others, to develop the potential and economic viability and community members , working enhance the quality of human life , strengthen the economy of the people , developing the national economy , as well as develop creativity and spirit organization for the nation's students .

7.3. Cooperative based on law

Cooperative legal entity under the Act 12 of 1967 is the [ organization ] ] people's economic social character , consisting of the persons or legal entity which is a cooperative economic arrangements as a joint venture , based on the principle of kinship . Specifically about the performance of cooperative associations , cooperatives must work under the provisions of the general law on business organization ( proprietorship, partnership , etc. . ) And commercial law and tax law .

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